Somos SLI

Somos SLI

SLI scholars and alumni: Add or update your Somos SLI profile here!


John Handley High School '25

Read Helen's interview

"There are a lot of things that interest me, like the medical field. I don’t know if I want to be a pediatrician, or if I want to be a dentist. I also recently went on a field trip to read with little kids in elementary school, and I’ve always had this inside feeling of wanting to be a primary school teacher. It was like, 'Maybe this is what I’m meant to do.'"


Harrisonburg High school '24
Blue Ridge Community College '26

"Thanks to SLI I have grown over the past three years. I have learned how to speak up for myself, that challenges are just ways to learn, and how to grow and become a better person. SLI taught me how to face the reality of becoming a first generation immigrant college student and how to succeed in such a journey. I have been able to work with different people who allowed me to have new experiences, ideas, and perspectives which helped me find the path I wanted to follow."


Harrisonburg High School '24
Eastern Mennonite University '28

"The SLI program is one in which students are encouraged to unapologetically be themselves. During my time in the program, I noticed myself possessing a stronger sense of pride for my background and heritage. This is due to the safe space the SLI program cultivates for each of its scholars. Though I’ve always been a pretty timid person, SLI has been able to create in me a deep assurance and belief in myself. This confidence is now displayed in my ability to achieve my goals as well as overall performance in a leadership position. Aside from this, SLI has created several opportunities in which we are able to advocate for issues surrounding the Latino community. Having the privilege to do this has not only significantly developed my leadership skills, but it has also enabled me to work hard and put into action the change I want to see."


John Handley High School '24
University of Virginia '28
(political philosophy, policy, and law)

"I have grown academically and personally during my years as a SLI scholar. Academically, I have strengthened my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, achieving excellence in rigorous coursework. Personally, I have embraced leadership opportunities, and fostered a strong sense of community and cultural pride. The mentorship and support from SLI have empowered me to pursue higher education with confidence and a deep commitment to giving back to my community."


J.R Tucker High School '24
Randolph-Macon College '28
(biology and environmental science/pre-physician assistant)

"In SLI there is something quite spectacular about the visible signs of improvement. With the guidance of Dr. Kaufman, SLI volunteers, and all of my peers, I grew intellectually and as a person. Yes, receiving my essays embellished with red ink was eye-opening, but the genuine feedback encouraged my final product. I learned that those numerous markings of red represented the learning process and that although the color may come off as surprising, it provided guidance. Along with the essays we wrote, I recall reading several collegiate-level documents that further developed my comprehension, which luckily helped with writing essays. As a person, I obtained a community that welcomed me with open arms, and an engaging environment that made learning an enjoyable experience."


Harrisonburg High School '24
Eastern Mennonite University '28

"Throughout my years as a SLI scholar I have been able to grow drastically as a student and as a person. When I first arrived at the SLI my sophomore year of high school, I was a very shy kid who hardly spoke up or said anything during class. For example there were times when the teacher would ask a question and I wouldn’t answer out of shyness even though I might have known the correct answer. However, throughout my experience in SLI I was able to learn to take initiative in and out of the classroom and I was also able to learn never to be afraid to speak up and voice my opinions. SLI has helped me shape myself into a leader as a student, but also as a leader in the community."


Harrisonburg High School '24
University of Virginia '28
(accounting, music)

"Thanks to SLI I was able to get out of my comfort zone and talk more freely with the people around me in high school. When I first started high school, I was very introverted and did not like to make small talk. I would only talk to teachers and students when necessary. Being a SLI scholar forced me out of my shell. One of the first things that it made me realize is that asking questions and involving yourself around others will always make life easier. As the four years during high school went by, my extroversion rose, which helped me academically and emotionally. Looking back, the connections that I made with other students wouldn't have been possible otherwise."


Huguenot High School '24
University of Richmond '28
(political science/pre-law)

Read Guadalupe's interview

"Ever since I became part of the SLI program in my freshman year of high school, both my academic and personal strengths have grown rapidly. One of the biggest academic improvements that I gained from this program was the ability to better communicate my opinions through efficient writing. Although it was a bit difficult to do so at first since college-level writing was so new to me, I received invaluable support from my mentor, interns, and Dr. Kaufman. Thanks to them my writing challenges were no longer obstacles, but attainable tasks. SLI has also helped me grow as a person by demonstrating to me the importance of embracing your fears and stepping out of your comfort zone. This program has helped me be able to ask questions more confidently. I am extremely thankful for all that SLI has done for my family and me!"


John Handley High School '24
Longwood University '28
(history and social science)

"When I joined SLI I was still unsure about my future after high school because no one close to me had gone to college. The idea of going to college was terrifying because I knew I’d have a hard time with every step. Once I joined SLI, many worries faded. During our meetings, I would learn something new about what needed to be done before college. I learned the importance of community service, joining clubs, making connections with teachers, and focusing on academics."


Harrisonburg HS '24
James Madison University '28

"SLI has helped me grow my leadership skills and helped me take initiative by being the first one to speak if no one else will, and have courage to answer a question, to leave the shyness. SLI has taught me to be proud of my Latina roots and has educated me as well as prepared me for college life and on what to expect. The students and directors have shown me what family and a community feels like."


John Handley High School '24
Shenandoah University '28

"SLI has significantly impacted my academic growth. Coming from an immigrant family, I initially believed it would be harder to achieve my academic goals, especially since we spoke Spanish at home. However, SLI showed me that many others from Hispanic households share similar challenges, which has been incredibly motivating. The support and relatability of my peers have played a crucial role in my success, allowing me to graduate high school with my associate's degree. SLI has not only helped me grow academically but also personally."


Harrisonburg High School '24
Eastern Mennonite University '28

"As a SLI scholar, my academic and personal growth has been profound. The program has provided a supportive environment that has shaped my journey in multiple ways. This includes the guidance that was provided by college mentors. Their insights and support have helped me navigate complex topics and achieve my educational goals. Being part of a program that celebrates and uplifts Latino culture has also strengthened my sense of identity and pride in my heritage. The SLI program has encouraged me to take on leadership roles and advocate for issues affecting the Latino community. I have developed leadership skills that enable me to inspire and mobilize others toward positive change."


Harrisonburg High School '24
James Madison University '28
(nursing, medical Spanish)

"When I first started SLI as a sophomore I was quiet and hated speaking up in front of others. It was my first year attending high school in person because of COVID, which made me even more reserved. Because of SLI, the biggest growth I see in myself is definitely my ability to take leadership and speak up for myself. As a sophomore I did not take action and lead, but now if an opportunity were to arise I could even volunteer to take it. Academically, I have been able to grow my networking abilities as well as ask questions. Over the last three years, my ability to ask frequent questions without fearing the answer has definitely increased and has benefited me a lot. Overall, SLI has taught me how to overcome my fears and step out of my comfort zone. SLI has been a guide for me in pretty much everything. From mentors to college applications, SLI has taught me everything I need to know to begin college. The amount of support I received helped me when I didn’t know how to do something. SLI has been a source of information as well as a guide. I was able to improve skills that I will need for college, such as studying and speaking out loud. When I didn’t know that I had to do something, SLI would not only inform me but also help me through the process. SLI is a program that was there to help me when I need it the most, and I will forever be grateful. As a senior in my last year of SLI, I was figuring out how to do important tasks to prepare for college. It was nothing I was familiar with, and being a first generation student I didn’t have anyone in my family to ask questions. I became very stressed and I learned how to overcome that. Over the last year, I was able to understand that I wasn’t alone, as other students were going through the same thing. Academically, I learned how to complete tasks in a short amount of time and prepare for various outcomes."


Huguenot High School '24
Virginia Commonwealth University '28

"SLI helped in preparing me for college. From the research essays down to the summer reading, it has improved my vocabulary, and I can confidently say I know what I will be experiencing during college. I am ready for anything that comes my way. SLI has given me the confidence to keep going because I know when I first started SLI I was overwhelmed by the amount of reading and writing I had to get done, but as time went by I felt comfortable in the setting SLI has established for us as SLI students."


Harrisonburg High School '23
University of Virginia '27
(commerce, Korean, information technology and finance)

"During my three years in SLI, I didn't realize how valuable the experience was to my personal and academic life. The program taught me to work for myself because everything ultimately comes down to me and how much effort I am willing to put into my dreams. It also taught me to be an advocate for my community. While attending a PWI as a Latina, community can be one of your strongest allies. Looking back, my time as a SLI scholar played an extraordinary role in my life by giving me the glimpses of a future that could possibly be mine."


John Handley High School/Millbrook High School '23
Laurel Ridge Community College
(dental assistance/hygiene)

Watch Ariana's interview

“It’s difficult being a first gen, your parents not knowing the college process or anything like that, and seeking ways to find help or get the help that’s needed to go through college, or find those resources. I think I definitely learned to go for it. Realize that you’ve done a lot already so you will continue doing great things. Seeing myself now and then seeing my younger self is just like, 'You did it. You can keep doing it.'”


Harrisonburg High School ’23
Virginia Tech '27
(biomedical engineering)

Watch Helen's interview

"SLI helped me shape the voice I have today. Although college has been a major transition from high school, the foundation and guidance SLI engraved in me has helped me persevere. I experienced many ups and downs during my college application process, but I am thankful for the support I received from SLI. Likewise, SLI taught me to stand up for myself in situations and environments that none of my family members could have guided me through, due to their unfortunate lack of education. Despite the obstacles I have faced in college, I have been able to continue pursuing a degree in biomedical engineering."


Harrisonburg High School '23
University of Virginia '27

"In SLI, we learned many life and academic skills, the one for me being leadership. Coming into SLI, I was that one shy kid who would sit at the back of the classroom and avoid any moment where I would have to talk to a group of people. Being part of SLI taught me how to be more communicative, and it helped me become a better leader. Going into a primarily white institution was scary at first because I felt like an outcast but remembering where I came from and how SLI taught me not to use my heritage as something negative but rather to push myself forward kept me going in college. Because of SLI I was able to become a leader of my own life and put myself in new situations."


John Handley High School '23
Dickinson College '27
(American Studies, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Spanish)

Read Jimena's interview

“The support I received from the SLI program directors at my high school has been valuable in preparing me for college. Throughout my academic journey, I struggled with managing stress and schoolwork. Balancing honors and AP classes while striving for top grades often overwhelmed me. However, during my senior year, SLI taught me how to effectively manage my stress. I developed healthy study habits, prioritized self-care, and sought support from friends and available resources. This experience has been instrumental in shaping my approach to handling stress and maintaining a healthy balance in my academic and personal life at Dickinson College.”


Harrisonburg High School ’23
University of Virginia ’25
(politics as a foreign affairs, global studies, global development)

Watch Keiry's interview

"Going to college can be daunting. I believe that my transition into a new environment occurred smoothly due to SLI. Being an involved member for three years allowed me to develop my own leadership skills and confidence. Rather than having a confined thought process, I can look at things with a broader perspective to help me problem-solve, demonstrate the foundations of developing professionalism, and communicate with professors regarding internship opportunities. This program has allowed me to feel comfortable asking for help, which has ultimately led to my successful first year at my university."



Harrisonburg High School '23
University of Virginia '27

"SLI has prepared me for college not only financially but also academically. Through SLI, I was challenged to take more demanding courses and to participate in extracurricular activities, which I’m certain not only helped me get into the university I’m attending but also equipped me with the necessary academic skills for the rigorous courses I have to take as a nursing student. With the past SLI scholarship, I was able to buy all the school supplies I needed, including an iPad, dorm supplies, and personal necessities, throughout my first year."


Harrisonburg High School '23
Blue Ridge Community College '25

"SLI has prepared me for college by helping me improve my communication and teamwork skills. Being able to collaborate with my peers on projects and activities allowed me to express my ideas while learning to incorporate others’ opinions as well. I was also able to improve my public speaking abilities which has been a great advantage in college. These experiences pushed me to be more confident in my abilities. Overall, SLI encouraged the development of the social skills that I use everyday in college."


John Handley High School '23
Harvard College '29
(electrical engineering)

Read Axel's interview

"SLI helped me emphasize the importance of mindfulness and personal growth on the journey to college, as self-care becomes crucial during college years. Additionally, I enjoyed the community building aspect with other students that are navigating the college application process when our parents don’t have the knowledge or resources to assist directly. At Harvard, I found community with students of similar backgrounds of being first gen or low income. Finally, the funding for college helped tremendously to settle in during my first year without the worry of needing to work while studying full time."


John Handley High School '23
Hollins University '27
(public health, Spanish)

Roots: El Salvador

Read Yeyhlin's interview

“As a first-generation student, I was uneasy with the non-existent knowledge from my family about college and how to be successful. Being a member of SLI in high school helped me feel prepared for the drastic change between high school and college. At the start of college, I felt more confident and ready to start my college journey.”


John Handley High School ’22
Laurel Ridge Community College ’24
(health information management)

Read an update from Adriana

"The first time I entered school I wasn’t sure what was my future, but thanks to many teachers who helped me a lot, I now know what I want. I have a positive attitude to help overcome every hardship, I believe in myself, and I am focused on what is right."


Harrisonburg High School '22

Watch Any share

"What keeps me motivated is my future. One day I want to be an independent woman. I don't want to depend on someone else.... I'll be the first child to go to a university for my whole family. I get to experience and face challenges so that one day when my cousins want to go to college, I can be there to support them. And not only that, but I feel like it's going to change my whole family. I'm gonna go out there in the world and explore a little more."


John Handley High School '22
Old Dominion University '26
(nursing, psychology)

Read Gedalia's interview

"SLI taught me to be outgoing, which has allowed me to gain many relationships in college including friends and professors. I also learned to be responsible and organized through the seminars held after school. Not only that, but the seminars allowed me to work in a group environment and listen to the opinions of others. Most importantly, SLI gave me an idea of what college was going to be like. I was able to hear actual students speak about their college experiences. Because of that, I was able to have a lot of my questions answered. Without SLI, I would've been lost in college."


Harrisonburg Highs School '22

Watch Grisell share

"We learned about how to tell our own stories rather than having someone else tell our stories for us because most of the time, if you aren't the one who's going to be talking about your story and your life and your experiences, and someone else will be doing it, chances are they're not going to go into full detail or they're going to miss points or they're not going to add things that you or I specifically want to be told. My appearance and my background isn't just a stereotype, because although I've been through many similar things as other people, like immigration, discrimination, and stuff like that, I want to be able to say, 'Here are other things about me that makes me different from other people.' SLI has definitely taught me how to explain myself a lot better and tell my own story to other people."


Hopewell High School '22
Eastern Mennonite University ’26
(accounting, business administration)

Watch Guadelupe's 2023 interview, and see her share during Meet SLI - Richmond

"SLI was a great opportunity that came my way. Not only did it make the process of high school and learning another language easier, but it was the organization that guided me through the entire process of applying to colleges. As a first-generation student, this process was unknown to me and my family. I didn't know the requirements or the deadlines. But SLI prepared us not only by providing this information, but also by offering many preparation courses, guiding us throughout the entire process."


Harrisonburg High School '22
James Madison University '24
(health science)

Roots: Honduras

Read Janefer's letter of thanks

"As a first-generation student, I faced numerous barriers, such as the lack of parental support and guidance, which often limited my opportunities to expand my knowledge. However, SLI transformed my outlook and capabilities. SLI not only prepared me for college but also instilled a deep sense of dedication and determination to achieve my dreams. It pushed me beyond my comfort zone, making me realize that without this challenge, I would have remained shy and uncertain of my abilities. Thanks to SLI, I am now confident and proactive, fully prepared to pursue my goals with unwavering resolve."


Harrisonburg High School '22
Eastern Mennonite University '26

Read Johana's interview

"As a first generation student coming from El Salvador, I was unfamiliar with the college system. SLI helped me understand how everything works, expanded my knowledge of the college admission process, offering financial and invaluable support. Through the program, I participated in volunteer work, attended workshops, and actively contributed to my Latino community. These experiences not only enriched my resume, but also built my confidence. I formed close bonds with people in the program that are now my lifelong best friends, creating a support network that has been essential in my journey. Our instructor consistently challenged us with questions, and encouraged us to step into leadership roles. This pushed me out of my comfort zone. SLI provided me with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to pursue higher education, making me feel more prepared to succeed in college, SLI also unlocked my potential, transforming me into the leader I am today."



Godwin High School '22
Virginia Commonwealth University '26
(English, TESOL)

Read Maria's interview

"SLI helped me prepare for college a lot, and Early College was especially helpful for me. I learned how to approach challenging readings and how to do research for writing papers, skills that have become imperative for me in college. SLI showed me that I was capable of doing hard things. My mentors were also wonderful and supported me whenever I had any questions about college. Guest speakers and mentors discussing their experiences with higher education inspired me, and reassured me that college was the right path for me."

Marvin "Alex"

Harrisonburg High School '22
University of Virginia '26
(computer engineering, data science)

Read Alex's interview

"SLI equipped me for college by providing resources and support for the application process. I developed leadership skills, learned self-advocacy, and gained confidence to pursue my academic goals. SLI helped me build a strong network of mentors and peers, encouraging my success in college. As an immigrant, I participated in events like the storytelling workshop, where I learned how to craft my personal narrative and share my story with others. These experiences have helped me develop my communication skills and prepare me for the challenges of college life."


John Handley High School '22
George Mason University '26
(computer science)

Read more about Rosely

"With its numerous academic resources and events, SLI played a significant role in preparing me for college. My mentor guided me through social and educational challenges and set my expectations for the college experience. She was one of my biggest supporters, and she empowered me through the midst of COVID. In the classroom, SLI helped me develop strong study skills and habits that I still use. Volunteer opportunities showed me the value of engaging in community efforts outside the classroom. Furthermore, the strong network of peers and mentors gave me a group to rely upon and boosted my confidence in my academic abilities as I pursued a higher education."


John Handley High School '21
University of Pittsburgh '25
(philosophy, accounting)

Watch Amy's interview and read more

"SLI prepared me for my undergraduate studies by providing me the opportunity to dual enroll while in high school, facilitating my early exposure to college-level coursework, as well as fostering an academically driven and supportive community I am happy to be involved with. Academic endeavors often necessitate from us significant emotional, physical, and mental investments. Still, despite my best efforts, I, as I’m sure many others have grappled with as well, am not immune to burnout. While it may be possible in theory, dedicating every available hour towards one’s studies can yield immediate results but it will not be a viable strategy for long-term success. I have come to recognize that, as both an academic and as a person, it is essential I accept my academic pursuits as one facet of my broader identity, ensuring I dedicate time to self-care and my relationships with others."


John Handley High School ’21
Laurel Ridge Community College ’23
Shenandoah University '25
(biology, Spanish)

Read an update from Amy

"SLI has greatly prepared me for college in terms of connecting with professors. The seminars held while I was in high school aided me in connecting with like-minded people. SLI helped me with conversation starters as well as finding a way to connect with people in general. Having mentors also prepared me to take advice from more experienced students and to take into account what they say in my academic decisions. During this last year, I felt like I have changed drastically when speaking about academics. With the help of SLI, I have been able to focus more on my studies and be able to spend more time with my professors during office hours. I feel like my mindset is on an upward trajectory as a student because I know how to manage my time better and how to communicate with my professors and other students. As a person, in general, I feel like I have changed in a positive way. I feel like I have more compassion and patience when it comes to hardships I am confronted with. I appreciate everything SLI has done for me so far in my academic journey."


John Handley High School '21
Virginia Tech '26
(ocean engineering)

"SLI definitely connected me with people in very similar circumstances as me. Being able to attend college is a very privileged position to have but it can sometimes be difficult to juggle family responsibilities, having enough money to cover rent and other costs, while also trying one’s best in school. The mentoring gave me a good feel for how college classes operate compared to high school."


John Handley High School '21
Shenandoah University '25

Hear Everth share during Meet SLI - Winchester and read more about him here

“When you're a high school senior who is starting to apply for college, and when you start coming across things that you have never had to deal with before, it is terrifying. You feel as if at any point you can sink and not end up preparing for that transition from high school to college. Through SLI, I was able to have access to many resources that allowed for that smooth transition. SLI taught me what to do, and how to do it, and having someone guide me through this process was a true blessing. Through SLI's workshops, and their mentee-mentor program, that fear of preparation vanished, and I am forever grateful for that.”


Huguenot High School ’21
Virginia Commonwealth University ’25
(psychology, Latin American Studies)

Read an update from Galilea

"As I enter my senior year of college, I will always be grateful for SLI and Dr. Kaufman for providing me with great tools to advance in college. During my time in high school, I learned how to write papers and how to cite literature articles. Also with the help of great mentors, we received a lot of help in our SAT's in both math and English. I also gained great leadership skills. SLI taught me to lose the fear of asking for help. It helped me realize that college wasn't scary and that there were people ready to help me no matter what college I attended."


Harrisonburg High School '21
James Madison University '25
(health sciences/pre-occupational therapy, Spanish)

"Undoubtedly, SLI had a significant impact on my high school experience, and I’ll be eternally grateful that as a Latinx student, I was fortunate to have access to a program like this. During high school, SLI guided and supported me on my path to become a JMU student. Through workshops, volunteer work, after-school meetings, and other events, I was able to obtain valuable knowledge that facilitated my college application process. This program not only assisted me in seeking opportunities that would prepare me for becoming an undergraduate student, but the financial support I received also enabled me to continue learning."


George Wythe High School ’21
Eastern Mennonite University ’26
(political science/pre-law, Spanish, Hispanic Studies)

Read an update from Irais or watch her 2023 interview

"SLI helped me prepare for college in many ways, both academically and emotionally. I wrote many essays for Dr. Kaufman and Early College. Those essays helped me to learn how to write a proper MLA and APA essay style. I also learned how important it is to be unbiased when writing about topics that are important to me. My mentors Sofia and Alejandra helped me tremendously in the process of preparing for college as well as emotionally, when I thought, ‘I can't make it to college,' there was always the, ‘Yes, you can’ coming from Sofia, Alejandra, and Dr. Kaufman."


Huguenot High School '21
Virginia Commonwealth University ’25
(homeland security and emergency preparedness, criminal justice, political science)

Watch Israel share during Meet SLI - Richmond

"SLI not only helped me learn how an essay should be properly written, but it also helped me prepare for the SAT. The mentors gave us lessons in English, as well as math so that we would be able to do well on the SAT. These classes also helped us develop our critical thinking skills. I say ‘us’ a lot because this was a team effort and I was not the only student who benefited from these lessons to get us college ready. Shortly after starting college, I realized how important the things I learned in SLI were."


Harrisonburg High School '21
Bridgewater College '25
(business administration)

"SLI allowed me to have a community in which others understand what it is like to be a first-generation student. They also provided me with the support and information necessary to move forward as a student with no previous ties to any college. They guided me through the process of understanding how to apply, breaking down the FAFSA application, and even allowed us to spend time in person at college campuses in order to understand what we were planning on doing and to make connections with potential professors."


John Handley High School '21
William & Mary '25
(public health/data science)

Watch Jennifer's interview

"Not only did [SLI] equip me with a wealth of knowledge about higher education, but it also instilled a sense of belonging within me. Often, students from underrepresented backgrounds experience feelings of displacement or inadequacy. I would say SLI encouraged me to apply for other Hispanic college programs, volunteer opportunities, and colleges because it made me feel worthy of these opportunities."


Harrisonburg High School '21
Eastern Mennonite University '25
(liberal arts, business)

"I have various tools from SLI that have helped me in college. Dr. Aleman underlined the importance of attending any college, including a community college. I also felt more at ease and familiar with the surroundings of a bigger college campus after going to James Madison University as part of our field trips. SLI also brought to my attention that although many kids do not know exactly what they want to study, college can help them discover and pursue their own interests."


Harrisonburg High School '21
University of Virginia '25
(leadership and public policy, foreign affairs, astronomy)

Read about Noel

"SLI prepared me for college through its Early College lectures which helped me gain the necessary discussion skills for my discussion sections in college. The Early College experience also allowed me to observe college classes in high school and see how they compared to high school. Additionally, SLI’s volunteering opportunities ... helped me gain the necessary team building skills to succeed in college projects and the necessary note taking skills to thrive in my classes."


John Handley High School '21
Laurel Ridge Community College
Washington Adventist University '25
(computer science, web development)

"One of the most important aspects of SLI was improving my communication skills. We had many public speaking and presentations where there was constructive criticism but a very supportive group. Another aspect that is useful in college was learning to manage our workload. Although perhaps at that time it was stressful since SLI was basically another class that would increase our school workload, it does help now that in college I have more responsibilities and more classes. Lastly, SLI taught me the importance of connections, which are extremely important in the real world."


Harrisonburg High School '21
Virginia Commonwealth University '25
(kinetic imaging, Spanish, mixed and immersive reality studies)

"SLI prepared me for college by fostering essential skills like time management, efficient communication, and critical thinking. My confidence and adaptability in a variety of academic situations increased because of the program’s emphasis on leadership development and team projects. Through workshops and mentorship, I learned about setting goals for achievement, stress management, and active participation in my learning community. With a growth mentality fostered by SLI's supportive atmosphere, I acquired the skills and resilience I needed to navigate the difficulties of college life effectively."


Harrisonburg High School '20
James Madison University '26
(communication sciences and disorders, Spanish)

"Above the exposure network of diversity and support, SLI prepared me by teaching me skills required to be a successful student and by providing financial aid preparation support. SLI taught me the small details or tips to use in college classrooms and as college students that as a first generation student I would have not otherwise known. Financially I learned about potential situations or mistakes that could affect me when filling out FAFSA and scholarships. Support for opportunities to make the cost of continuing education as affordable as possible was fundamental in transitioning to college as a high school student."


Huguenot High School ’20
Eastern Mennonite University '24
(political science, history, Spanish)

Watch Ariel's 2023 interview, read a letter of gratitude from Ariel, and listen to Ariel and other SLI alumni talk about their SLI experiences.

“As a Latino, as a minority, you face a lot of issues and difficulty. Thanks to SLI and my mentors, I was able to develop a particular interest in the political field and get into college.”


Harrisonburg High School '20
James Madison University '24
(nursing, chronic illness)

"SLI was extremely helpful in preparing me for college. With the help of mentors and academic programs, I gained confidence and developed my leadership skills. Visiting colleges and connecting with others with similar backgrounds made the entire process less intimidating. SLI made me proud of my heritage and encouraged me to pursue my goals. SLI readied me for academic success and empowered me to make a positive impact in my community and beyond."


Huguenot High School '19
Shenandoah University '22
(arts in media and communications)

Hear Ángela and other SLI alumni talk about their SLI experiences during the Meet SLI - Richmond events in 2020 and 2021.

"SLI has changed my life tremendously and has provided me with help in many ways, giving me guidance and helping me financially and emotionally. At the beginning of my freshman year of high school I was concerned that people would look at me differently because I was new at my school, but my main concern was my future, as I thought I was unable to go to college due to the lack of money and my language barrier. But when I had the opportunity to join SLI, I saw doors open my way...."


John Handley High School '19
Lord Fairfax Community College '20
Shenandoah University '22
(business administration, information systems and technology)

“I am so grateful to SLI for helping me in my academic career to this point....SLI is important to me because it has helped shape me into a leader I am today. SLI is a way for students to feel like they have people who believe in them and are there to push them to their highest potential. With SLI I have been able to critically think beyond an education that high school offers. SLI has helped me believe in myself to achieve my dreams and make them into reality despite any obstacles that may come my way. I have learned to not only be a responsible leader for myself but for my community as well. Before I started SLI I was very active in community service but my passion for helping others has grown from the very moment I initiated my intellectual growth in SLI. Throughout my years in SLI, I have been able to grow academically through college seminars. I am a huge supporter of these seminars because it allows students to analyze and comprehend education apart from what your regular high school classes offer. With college seminars, I have been able to learn valuable skills that I will definitely carry with me for the rest of my life.”


Huguenot High School ’19
Shenandoah University '23

Gabriela participates in the Honors program, SLI, and the Leadership and Educational Development Fellows program at SU. Read an update from Gabriela here

"Helping other people has always been something I truly enjoy. I’ve always been a giver, and since I was little I enjoyed finding ways or opportunities where I could help people without expecting anything back. I think that being so passionate about helping others, open minded, and positive will help me be successful in the field."

“SLI has helped me a lot. Thanks to SLI, I’ve been able to be prepared for college, be competent and have confidence in myself.”


John Handley High School '19
University of Virginia '23
(environmental sciences, U.S. Latinx studies)

At UVA Jaime served as a peer mentor for incoming Latinx students transitioning to college and serves on the executive board of the university’s Latinx Leadership Institute. He is now a communications and training associate for Virginia Conservation Network.

"SLI positively impacted me by offering resources to help navigate my high school course selection, helping me develop a critical-thinking mindset through college-level seminars, and financially supporting my community college transfer credits and college expenses."


Huguenot High School ’19
Eastern Mennonite University ’23 (psychology, criminology)

Read an update from Katie

"I never give up. That’s what has gotten me this far, and it will help me to achieve my goal. Sometimes I doubt myself, but then I tell myself to keep trying even if it’s hard, and that I’m capable of doing amazing things, and I have to work hard to get what I wish for. I know that I have to be brave to achieve my dreams, and I think that’s what will lead me to my success."


John Handley High School ’19

“With the college preparation and mentorship, SLI has helped me feel more confident in taking initiative on my own. The college assignments handed to us helped me achieve more in my regular classes by analyzing more thoroughly based on what I had learned from SLI. The community that SLI helps bring together among the Hispanic students, over all, inspires me to become an example for all first generation immigrants that are in my position. By helping me acquire resources, such as college trips, informational programs about college, and helping us discover our passion, SLI helps me set the example of a first generation scholar.”


Harrisonburg High School ’18
Virginia Tech '22
(human development, Spanish, and chemistry/pre-med)

“When I was in high school SLI allowed me to make connections I would’ve otherwise not made. I had the opportunity to talk to many college professors, work with JMU students, and I was able to be part of many informational retreats. All the information that I learned while being a SLI student helped me prepare for college as a minority student at a PWI [predominantly white institution]. My mentors, Carlos Alemán and Hannah Bowman, definitely always helped push me to give my best and I am so thankful they did because it has helped me these past few years.”


John Handley High School '17
(civil engineering)

“One of the most important things SLI gave to me was a window to the college world and showed me that it was an option. I, as a Latino, still have the option to pursue my education and dreams. SLI has always encouraged me to push myself for those harder challenges in the classroom and out. Talking with people that come from the same place as you really makes you realize that you aren’t alone and makes you more comfortable with your own voice. Being comfortable with who I am and where I come from boosted my confidence alongside my ability to lead and represent. SLI gave me the opportunity to ask questions and interact with college students and professors. For a lot of people the transition from high school to college can be somewhat scary. SLI removed that fear because I was already familiar with how to tackle the college transition and life. Taking that fear away is a huge step in moving forward in the pursuit of your education.”


Harrisonburg High School ’17
Bridgewater College '21
(Spanish, family and consumer sciences, child development, and family life education)

Lupe has made the Dean’s List for all six consecutive semesters.

“[SLI was] a support group who are like me and have the same motivation to succeed. My experience as a SLI scholar has only affected my life in the utmost positive ways and I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself.”


Harrisonburg High School '17
Blue Ridge Community College

Watch a video about Maria


John Handley High School '16
Shenandoah University

Read more about Elly

"SLI was a very eye-opening program for me. I had amazing mentors who guided me in my educational path, as well as that 'push' to keep me going. From not believing I could obtain a college degree to now working on my graduate degree is honestly a huge blessing and a great honor to my family!"


Harrisonburg High School '15
George Mason University '17

Hear Dulce speak about being one of SLI in Harrisonburg's first scholars